
Simon S Needham
Written by an acknowledged expert, this invaluable book is aimed at archers of all levels, from those starting out in the sport to those taking part in competitions at the highest levels. The author analyses shooting techniques and tuning, and also emphasizes the development of mental toughness; he argues that this goes hand in hand with the mastery of the physical aspects of the sport. This comprehensive guide to shooting covers:
how to get started in archery, the costs involved, choosing and using equipment and the basics of shooting; setting up your equipment and initial tuning; the biomechanics of shooting; the tactics and preparation work involved in archery competitions; physical fitness, nutrition and psychology; arrow selection and preparation; making bowstrings and, finally shooting techniques, improving performance and the fine-tuning of equipment.
Archery by Simon S Needham

About the author

Simon Needham has been involved in archery for forty years, and has been shooting competitively since 1989. He has represented Scotland t archery since 1989 and Great Britain since 1997. He competed at the 2000 Sydney Olympics and finished seventeenth, and in 2001 he came seventh in the World Archery Championships in China.
