A Knitters Guide to Gloves

Angharad Thomas
With several construction techniques, alongside the possible materials and tools that are suitable for knitting the gloves you want. A chapter on design, guides you through adapting and customising your glove knitting. The book also traces the history of knitted gloves and is lavishly illustrated with examples from museum collections. With patterned gloves from Yorkshire and Scotland, alongside the stories of examples that have survived into the twenty-first century. Includes a step-by-step photo guide for those new to knitting gloves through the key points of glove construction and making your first pair.
A Knitters Guide to Gloves by Angharad Thomas

About the author

Angharad Thomas is a designer, maker and researcher. She has a master’s degree in knitwear design and a PhD which examined Welsh textile production, design and sustainability. Angharad has spent much of the last ten years researching, designing and knitting gloves, in tandem with her role as Textile Archivist for the collection of the Knitting & Crochet Guild. Her gloves have been exhibited and her designs and articles published in the consumer press in both the UK and the USA. Angharad also gives talks and workshops on glove knitting.    

Press Reviews

Angharad’s book is not only a comprehensive “how to” manual to inspire all knitters to tackle an artefact that is sometimes deemed difficult but also a splendidly colourful guide to an “extremely niche tactile activity”

- Linde Merrick, Slipknot

The history and knitting are mixed together throughout the book so that dipping in and out provides something fresh each time. There are plenty of illustrations throughout.

- Lesley Fidler, The Journal of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
