Insect Photography

John Bebbington
Insect photography is a challenging and stimulating art. Well-shot images give stunning results, which can aid study and enhance enjoyment of the natural world. This practical book explains how to reliably take those photographs. Through introducing insects and their behaviour, it advises on when and how to see nature at work and, by instructing on techniques, it shows how to capture the moment to dramatic effect. This new book advises on buying and using equipment for both compact camera and SLR users; it describes how to find and understand insects, and encourages responsible photography and good fieldcraft and instructs on composition, exposure, lighting and advanced techniques. Ways of sharing images, cataloguing and caring for them, and backing them up are given too. This book is aimed at amateur and professional naturalists and photographers, as well as artists.
Insect Photography by John Bebbington

About the author

John Bebbington FRPS has watched and enjoyed insets for many years. His interest began in early childhood and led to a career as an ecology tutuor for the Field Studies Council. He extended his interest into photography and now regularly teaches on general, insect and wild flower close-up and macro photography. He is a fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and chairman of the RPS Nature Group.
